Talks & Meetings

Selection of (Invited) Talks & Meetings

05/2021 Invited Talk | Digitalization and Discrimination in the Legal System – What do we Learn From an Organizational Perspective? | Lecture Series „Political Organizations and Digitalization“ Prof. Dr. Cristina Besio | Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg

04/2021 Invited Talk | Organization of Procedures in an „Unorganized Society“ | Research Colloquium „Medieval Studies and Premodern History“ Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schlögl | University of Konstanz

11/2020 Invited Talk | About the Relationship between Organization and Procedures | Research Colloquium „Organizational Sociology“ Prof. Dr. Stefan Kühl | Bielefeld University

04/2020 Invited Talk | Legitimation of Decisions between Society and Interaction | Research Colloquium „Theoretical Sociology“ Prof. André Kieserling | Bielefeld University

12/2019 Accepted Abstract and Talk | Decisions in the Courtroom between Digitalization and Discrimination –  Why Organization Matters in the Courtroom | Conference „Organizational Society reloaded“ Prof. Dr. Raimund Hasse, Dr. Hannah Mormann, Dr. Nadine Arnold | University of Lucerne (Switzerland)

09/2019 Accepted Abstract and Talk | „How Risk Scores Reshape Court Decisions (or not)“ | Conference “Data Power – Global In/Securities” | Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research | University of Bremen in Cooperation with the Universities of Carleton (Canada) and Sheffield (UK), Bremen

07/2019 Accepted Paper and Presentation | „The Relationship Between Organization, Digitalization, and Discrimination as a Theoretical Challenge“ | 35th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), “Enlightening the Future” | University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK)

04/2018 Invitated Panel Discussant | „Reining in Facebook and the Platform Economy: How Can Society Benefit from AI and Digital Technology“ | Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Berlin

01/2018 Invited Talk | „Organizations in Time. Exploring Organization and Technologies in Different Societal Contexts“| Interdisciplinary Doctoral Seminar „Ordering, Administering, Organizing“ | University of Vienna Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies (Austria)

12/2017 Invited Talk with Stefan Schulz | About the Sociological Blog Project „“ | Conference „Exit/Voice – Notes and Formats of academic critic and discourse between Science and Public in History and Presence“ | Gut Siggen

11/2017 Invited Talk | „Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Studying Historical Organizations“ | Conference „Contested Organizations in the History of the 20th Century“ | Ruhr-University Bochum

07/2015 Invited Talk and Paper Discussion | „How to Study Organizations in the Process of Social Differentiation? The Example of the Imperial Chamber Court (1495-1806)“ | Research Colloquium of the Historical Seminar | The University of Münster

06/2015 Talk and Paper Discussion | „Boundaries of Decision Making Autonomy at the Imperial Chamber Court (1495-1806)“ | Research Seminar | Faculty of Sociology | University of Bielefeld

01/2015 Paper Discussion | „Becoming Courtwise – Historical-Sociological Insights from the Imperial Chamber Court“ | Research Seminar | Faculty of Sociology | University of Bielefeld

06/2014 Talk and Paper Discussion | „Sociological Perspectives on the German Imperial Chamber Court (1495-1806) in Early Modern Europe – The Evolution of Bureaucratic Norms?“ | „Social Theory and Evidence“ Workshop | University of Chicago Department of Sociology (USA)

05/2014 Accepted Paper and Talk | „Informal Contact Networks and Legal Precedures in Early Modern Europe – Re-Analyzing Legal History Research on the German Imperial Chamber Court (1495-1806)“ | 50th Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting on „Law and Inequalities“ | Minneapolis (USA)

11/2013 Participation | 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) „Organizing Powers“ | Chicago (USA)

02/2012 Accepted Paper and Presentation | „Risk Controlled by the Others? Comparing Creditworthiness Indicators as Third Parties“ | 4th Interdisciplinary Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS) „Control’s Other Sides – Contemporary and Historical Perspectives“ | University of Bielefeld

01/2012 Talk and Paper Discussion| „Differentiation of Legal and Organizational Decision Making Routines“ | Research Seminar | Faculty of Sociology | University of Bielefeld

11/2011 Talk and Discussion | „Organizational Genesis of the Imperial Chamber Court“ | Doctoral Forum Society of the German National Academic Foundation | Frankfurt am Main

07/2011 Accepted Paper and Presentation | „Risk Transformation in Financial Organizations – A Comparison of Credit Rating Agencies and Credit Default Swaps (CDS)“ | 27th Colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) on Reassembling Organizations | Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law (Sweden)

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